SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one

sd2iec internal post SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an integrated all in one

SD2iec internal for Commodore 64

SD2IEC is an open source development created by Shadowolf and published at in 2008, which allows to emulate a Commodore 1541 disk drive by communicating through the Commodore IEC bus, present in several 8-bit models (VIC-20, 64, 128 and 264 series).

It uses SD cards as mass storage media and is based on the Atmega 644 or the larger Atmega 1284P microcontroller.

image SD2iec internal for the Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one

Original Commodore 1541 disk drive

ATMEGA1284P-AU | AVR Microcontroller 8bit 16 kB RAM, 128 kB Flash, TQFP 44 pins 20MHZ

Atmega 1284p microcontroller

What are the possibilities of SD2IEC?

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SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one 19

SD2IEC is compatible with JiffyDOS, a C64/128 optimised disk operating system that allows higher speed and commands than the Commodore 64's factory DOS.

  • It allows the use of the most common fastloaders such as Speeddisk fastloader or GEOS Fastloader.
  • Supports reading and writing of .D64, .D71, .D81, .M2I, as well as .PRG and .P00 and partially .REL files.
  • Supports SD and SDHC cards with FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32 file systems
  • Compatible with multiple file managers: CBM FileBrowser, CBM-Command, Vic-20 Disk Menu, SD2IEC Dir Plus, ?
image 3 SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one
SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one 20

CBM Filebrowser for C64/C128

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SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one 21

CBM Command for C64/C128

image 5 SD2iec internal for the Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one
SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an all-in-one integrated 22

SD2IEC DirPlus (264 Series)

It allows a device number to be permanently assigned in the SD2IEC EEPROM by two simple commands, allowing any other Commodore disk drive (1541,1541-II,1551, 1571) connected to the IEC bus to be used simultaneously with a different device number.

For example, to configure SD2IEC with unit number 9, currently configured for 8, we would type:

OPEN1,8,15,?U0>?+CHR$(9):CLOSE1 <- Assign device 9 to SD2IEC

OPEN1,8,15,?XW?:CLOSE1 <- Store the new value in the EEPROM of SD2IEC

SD2IEC models

Being an open source development, multiple versions of SD2IEC exist and have evolved over the years.

SD2iec External

Traditionally SD2IEC has been associated with external devices, which are connected via a 6-pin DIN cable and draw power from the user port or cassette port or an external power supply.

These devices, although versatile, require wiring when in use and in some cases prevent the use of other devices at the same time (datasette in cassette port or another device in user port) if the connector does not have a port expander, as well as adding a few more cables to the Commodore setup, in case there were not enough.

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SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one 23


SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one 24

SD2iec for sale on amazon

SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one 25

SD2iec external design by @jgilcas

From we propose an internal SD2iec, specially adapted to the first generation Commodore 64 model (Panera or Breadbin) which includes:

SD2IEC internal for commodore 64, features:

  • Internal based on Atmega 1284P
  • Integration into the housing of the Commodore 64 Breadbin without modification of the housing. Just replace the metal part on the side and connect.
  • Specific 3D bracket to accommodate the SD2IEC, which integrates seamlessly into the Commodore 64 case and includes reset button and disc change button.
  • Replacement of the original "Power" LED with a new one showing the disk activity
  • Installation of Arduino Pro Mini microcontrollerwhich allows the Commodore 64 and the SD2IEC unit to be reset simultaneously by pressing the reset button.
  • Replacement of the Commodore Kernal ROM (U4 ? 9012207-0X) with a 512Kb EEPROM containing JiffyDOS and the original Commodore Kernal ROM (Switchless JiffyDOS). This allows to boot the device with JiffyDOS if no key is pressed or to switch to Commodore Kernal if after pressing the reset button of SD2IEC we keep pressed the RESTORE key or we boot the device for the first time with the same key pressed.
sd2iec internal
SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one 26

Detail of Hobbyretro's internal SD2IEC integrated in the custom 3D bracket

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SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one 27

JiffyDOS when booting the C64 without any keys being pressed

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SD2iec internal for Commodore 64, an integrated all-in-one 28

SD2IEC HobbyRetro internal showing disk activity (LED)

If you want to have one of these fantastic internal SD2iec for your Commodore 64 just contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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