Premiere of the new video game museum in Galicia


The first video game museum de Galicia's new headquarters and content in Cangas ( Pontevedra ), an innovative project with renewed collections and representatives of all types of systems that have transformed the history of video games. From arcade machines, through video consoles, laptops and two-way devices, to a selection of the most influential titles in the history of the medium.

The new space houses, in addition to his collection and that of the other patrons of the foundation, machines donated by anonymous individuals.

There is an exclusive space for the 25 years of the industry in Galicia. Among the most striking pieces are a Magnavox Odyssey from 1972, which was the first desktop video console in history, and a Sega Nomadthe first hybrid, as well as an arcade game of Cabinet Scude Race. It is a living, active and experimental museum.

Our partner MrByte has visited it, and thanks to him, we can offer you some videos of what you can see there, we hope you like it.

Museum of the video game, MAVI, in galicia

Photo by M.Molarejo


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