SDMMR cartridge for MSX, first steps

Cartridge SDMMR

SDMMR cartridge for MSX, first steps

Many of you have asked us how to start using the SDMMR cartridge for MSX computers. Therefore, we have prepared this first steps guide to make use of the SDMMR. We will see that before using the cartridge to load software, a series of utilities are necessary.

How to configure the SD card for the SDMMR cartridge

The main thing to know is that we should format the card in the MSX itself, with everything inserted and switches 1 and 2 down and 3 and 4 up along with the SD card inserted we will see or should see something like this:

image SDMMR MSX cartridge, first steps

This indicates that the SD card is detected as we can see in Slot 1 and that the configuration mode is 512kb for MegaRAM (software loading) and Mapper (Add to system, similar to the RAM of a PC).

The next step to configure the SD card for our SDMMR would be as follows:

image 1 SDMMR cartridge for MSX, first steps

We then execute the command: CALL FDISK

image 2 SDMMR MSX cartridge, first steps

With this we will run the partitioning utility, the card must be in FAT16, but we will do that from the MSX.

If the card has any previous partitions, they must first be deleted.

image 4 SDMMR MSX cartridge, first steps

We will press 1, as the driver we see is the SDMMR cartridge driver.

If you have 2 cards inserted in the cartridge, both cards will appear.

image 5 SDMMR cartridge for MSX, first steps

We must continue:

image 3 SDMMR MSX cartridge, first steps

Here we would see the total size of the card we have inserted, the maximum to use in a partition is 4GB, it is possible to make more than one partition but we will not see that in this manual.

We can show the partitions we have but the idea is to delete all of them by pressing D.

image 7 SDMMR MSX cartridge, first steps

We will be asked the question below confirming that we want to delete it:

Press Y

image 6 SDMMR MSX cartridge, first steps

Once finished, the same screen will quickly appear again but showing a detail:

image 8 SDMMR cartridge for MSX, first steps

Now we will see that there is a logical drive but without partitions, we must press A and then press W.

image 9 SDMMR cartridge for MSX, first steps

Pressing Y will have created a FAT16 partition and will be formatting:

image 10 SDMMR MSX cartridge, first steps
image 11 SDMMR MSX cartridge, first steps

Once finished, the following will appear:

Now we can turn everything off, remove the SD card from our SDMMR cartridge and go to the PC.

Download the files to your SD card.

image 12 SDMMR cartridge for MSX, first steps

We copy the NEXTOR files to the card and we have our SD card ready, we only need to copy games and launch them with Sofarun.

Here is a video showing how it works. Enjoy your SDMMR cartridge for MSX computers.

Still don't have the SDMMR cartridge for MSX? You can buy it on our website.

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