Easy Flash 3, multi-game cartridge for Commodore 64

easyflash3 post Easy Flash 3, multi-game cartridge for Commodore 64

Easy Flash 3, the multi-game cartridge for Commodore 64

The Easy Flash 3 cartridge provides 7 EasyFlash slots, each of which is a fully-functional EasyFlash 1. With a menu you can choose which one you want to start.

In addition, you can replace the internal KERNAL with one of up to eight KERNALS stored in the cartridge. The external KERNAL has the same software compatibility as if it were built-in.

What is Easy Flash 3 like?

Easy Flash 3 is the big brother of EasyFlash. It is compatible with EasyFlash, so all software for EasyFlash should also work on EasyFlash 3.

A USB port can be used to update the CPLD firmware. It also allows writing to the cartridge from the PC and transferring other data.

The Easy Flash 3 is compatible with Action Replay type freezer cartridges. It is compatible with freezer cartridge images that can be run on any of the following cartridges:

  • Action Replay
  • Retroactive repetition
  • Nordic Power / Atomic Power
  • Super Snapshot 5

Easy Flash 3 is open source. Hardware design documents, HDL code and software source code are available worldwide. Easy Flash 3 cartridges are available in different fonts and various formats.

Do you know the KungFu Flash cartridge?

KungFu Flash is a system with the ability to emulate cartridges from .PRG files and .D64 disk images.

Simply copy the CRT, PRG or D64 files to a microSD card and launch them via its built-in selection menu. 

Do you want to know how Kungfu Flash works? in our Review of the Kung Fu flash cartridge we tell you about it in detail.

Easy Flash 3 menu

Easy Flash 3 presents a menu from which the different operating modes are selected and initiated. The EF3 menu is initiated when a machine is started with the cartridge. Easy Flash 3. Alternatively, the menu starts when the "MENU" button on the cartridge is pressed.

Easy Flash 3

Available cartridge slots EasyFlashThe start of the KERNAL, KERNAL or freezers is initiated by pressing the corresponding key on the keypad.

Alternatively the menu can be controlled with a joystick on port 2.

Additional features:

  • EasyProg can be started by pressing P, the EasyFlash 3 cartridge can be deactivated by selecting K - Kill Cartridge, V to display the current version of the CPLD Core and menu, and Z to exit to C128 mode, if available.
  • The different operating modes are: EasyFlash cartridge, KERNAL cartridge and freezer cartridge. They can only be activated one at a time.
  • It is possible to start the machine directly in the BASIC instead of the EF3 menu by holding down the C= or Q key during start-up.

how to use EASYFLASH 3

The Easy Flash 3 cartridge has three buttons: MENU, SPECIAL and RESET. The MENU button always resets to the EF3 menu. The operation of the other two buttons depends on the current mode.

SPECIAL button

  • In the EF3 menu, exit to BASIC (without disabling the cartridge).
  • In Easy Flash mode, exit to BASIC (leaving the selected EF slot active).
  • In freezer cartridge mode, it acts as the Freeze button of the selected cartridge.
  • Other modes: Does not work.

RESET button

  • In Easy Flash mode, resets the selected cartridge.
  • In freezer cartridge mode, it acts as the reset button for the selected cartridge.
  • In KERNAL cartridge mode, resets the machine leaving the selected KERNAL active.

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USB driver installation

USB driver for WINDOWS systems

First of all you need to download drivers driver for the USB port of the cartridge. Download the archive and unzip these files into a new directory. Now connect your Easy Flash 3 hardware to the USB port of your PC. Windows will detect the new hardware and ask for the drivers. It is not necessary to connect to "Windows Update" for driver installation.

If everything worked correctly, the Windows Device Manager shows a new device class with Easy Flash 3 as the device connected to the computer.

USB driver for LINUX

Current Linux distributions come with a driver for the FT245R. To access EasyFlash 3 without being root, on Debian-derived systems it may be useful to create a new udev rules file (located in /etc/udev/rules.d, e.g. /etc/udev/rules.d/80-easyflash.rules) with the following content:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="8738", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev".

and add your user account to the plugdev group. The name of the group may be different in your operating system distribution. On older systems it might look like this:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="8738", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev".

Finally, restart the service with the command below and reconnect your EasyFlash 3:

sudo reboot udev

Other distributions could work in a similar way.

How to update the content of the Easy Flash 3 cartridge?

In addition to flashing cartridge images, EasyTransfer can be used to run programs on the Commodore64 or to write disk images to real disks via USB.

The same prerequisites apply as when writing EF cartridge slots via USB.

Starting single-load programmes with EASYTRANSFER

To launch single-file programs via USB, simply select the desired program file in the Start PRG tab, and click the "Go!" button. If a program is already running, or the EF3 cartridge does not have the menu active, EasyTransfer will wait until the EF3 menu is activated. Simply press the MENU button on the EF3 cartridge, and the new programme will start.

Writing disk images with EASYTRANSFER

Write Disk: The EasyTransfer feature can be used to write a complete d64 disk image to the 1541 or to a compatible disk drive. Select the Write Disk tab, and browse and choose the disk image you want to write to disk. You can also select the device number, which is 8 by default.

Caution! Writing a disk image will overwrite the current disk in the selected drive!

First activate the EF3 menu. Once you click on the "Go!" button, the disc recorder will start. The program will format the disc, write the disc image and finally verify it.

After completing the write, the disc recorder will remain active and wait for another disc image. Exit by pressing any of the buttons on the EF3 cartridge.

3D printed box for Easy Flash, models available for download

Below are some of the 3D printed designs available for download. Of course, the authorship of these designs is attributed to their respective authors. If you need any of these designs to be printed, please contact our 3D printing service on demand.

Credits Easy Flash 3

This project is based on an idea by Thomas "skoe" Giesel.

  • Development and documentation of hardware and software Thomas "skoe" Giesel
  • QA & Consulting (EasyFlash 1) Martin Hoffmann-Vetter
  • PCB layout (EasyFlash 1) Björn 'JMP$FCE2' Wieck
  • EasyLoader ALeX Kazik
  • Retrofan artwork, Thomas 'Ernie76' Boissé
  • Additional software development John64, Martin 'enthusi' Wendt, Tom-Cat

Additional support from AntaBaka, CapFuture1975, Cyberdyne, Dirk Vroomen, Heather Kent, The Joker, Lemming, Mad2, Oliver Weissflach, Ray 'WizardNJ' L, Slator, Soulstealer, Sven 'SubZero' Schwarz, -trb-, -trb-, -trb-, -trb-, -trb-, -trb-, -trb-, -trb-, -trb-, -trb-, -trb-, -trb-.

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